3D Touch-Table

National Museums Northern Ireland in partnership with Living Legacies 1914-18, the Centre for Data Digitisation & Analysis and the Nerve Centre have been working on an interactive touchtable featuring 1916 content.

This table features 3D scans of some of National Museums Northern Ireland First World War collections such as the German Medic uniform, the trench periscope, medals and the field telephone.

3D scans of some of NMNI’s First World War collection allow visitors to browse and zoom in on the object – something you can’t do when an object is in a display case or in museum storage. Life in the trenches, Communication as well as the Easter Rising and sections on Roger Casement and James Connolly.

2016-04-04 # Museums (1916) Room View
Remembering 1916 Your Stories Gallery
2016-04-04 # Museums (1916) Touchtable
Touch-Table Video Stories
2016-04-04 # Museums (1916) Touch table 3D Display Model
3D Uniform on Touch-Table

You can view more 3D artafacts and get further information at: The Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis based in the School of Geography, Archaeology and PalaeoecologyQueen's University Belfast.

See the short film we produced using Supernova Film Productions to show how these objects were scanned