Film - The Boys from East Belfast

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Film - The Boys from East Belfast

A new short documentary has been produced in a collaboration between the East Belfast & The Great War research project and the RCB Library, Dublin. The film seeks to tell the fascinating story of the St. Mark’s WW1 letters and of the subsequent research which has unearthed some intriguing and also heartbreaking stories.

Your feedback would be most welcome.

Thanks to: East Belfast and the Great War Project; Jason Burke; Seaneen Bell; Matthew Gamble; and Paul Harron.
Archival sources: Representative Church Body Library; Imperial War Museum, Somme Heritage Centre.
Belfast voices: Aaron McAlister.
Research: Susan Hood; Karen O’Rawe. Jason Burke
Script & Voiceover: Susan Hood.
Sound EQ: Sam Jackson
Filmed and directed by: Tim Hood, 2014.